Products / Nighttime Economy / Cultural Tourism Night Tour

Making public urban spaces into showgrounds for light arts, creating an excellent nighttime light environment for the public and enhancing their sense of security and well-being.

Cultural Tourism Night Tour

Based on local city attributes, integrating technological means such as sound, light, color and electricity, digital lights, adding immersive performances and leisure and entertainment interactions, incorporating rich night tour contents, providing comprehensive night tour solutions, lighting up the night tour economy and creating new values for night tours

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Universal Beijing Resort

To open your colorful and wonderful night in the splendor at the Universal CityWalk Beijing. As the landmark area of Universal Beijing Resort, the Universal CityWalk Beijing is a one-stop avenue integrating dining, shopping and entertainment experience center with enhanced technology and innovative concepts. Located in the main entrance of the Universal Studios theme park, it is the first stop and the only way to enter Universal Beijing Resort, as well as one of the regions created by the New Space Universal Studios Project.


2019 EXPO Beijing China

The landscape of the whole exhibition is planned from the structure: onecenter, two axes and three zones. It includes the core landscape areas,Landscape Horticulture axis, World Horticulture axis, ecological leisurezone of Gui River, horticultural life experience zone and horticulturalindustry development zone. With regard to the control, the centralizedhierarchical control is considered. The functional lighting is integratedinto the environment, and the landscape lighting function is taken intoaccount, so that the lighting and the environment are integrated.


Xichang Moon Lake Wetland Park

New Space applied techniques such as sound, light, water and electricity to depict the scenic landscape of Xichang Moon Lake, reveal the cultural charm of “Xichang in Moonlight”, complement the night tour system of Xichang, and open the night tour of Xichang with brilliant and colorful lights.

Xingwen Karst World Geopark

Located in Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, situated in the mountainous area of the southern margin of Sichuan Basin, it is the “hidden corner” of the earth, it is the place where sinkhole was discovered and studied at the earliest in China, it is the research model of karst geology, it is Xingwen Karst where “volcanic lava” can be seen. With the perfect combination of light & shadow technologies and 3D technology, New Space presents the visual effects of volcanic lava, so that tourists can have zero distance contact with the originally unattainable natural wonders of nature.


Langzhong Night Cruise

Night economy is an important indicator for the vitality of a city, as well as a basis for assessing the prosperity and comfort of a city. Following the nighttime transformation and upgrading by the New Space, nowadays the night economy of Langzhong Ancient City has been frequently covered by CCTV news, making the people of the country again feel the vibrant vitality of this thousand-year-old city.